Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hey, just saying goodnight. . .

   I am tired from work and feelling all blah from the drinking I did last night still. Just wanted to say good night to everybody and hope you guys and girls all have fun tomorrow. Here's a video with me talking. I'm sure everyones excited to press play huh? lol probably not but play it anyways if you want to. Good night.

Ugh, drank. . .soo. . .much...

   Ok so I went a little crazy last night and drank a lot. It's been over a year and a half since I've drank that much and I'm really not going to make it into a habit cause it's not that great of a feelling the next morning. Granted I don't have a hang over or feel nauseous which is really good but I just feel used up and drained now with a bit of pressure in my head that's not quite a headache yet but might become that later. It almost feels like my head was full of water and now is all soggy and waterlogged. I know, that's a very weird way to put it but that's how I feel.
   Anyways, here's a video to let you guys in on the rest of the info.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Working and working some more but happy Thanksgiving. . .

   Hey everyone. I've been busy lately just working a lot so I'm sorry I haven't done much on here. Thanksgiving is coming up in two days and I have my food ready for it. It's nothing fancy or big since I have to work on Thanksgiving and won't be home until after 1am. Everything I got had that in mind so I got food to put in the slow cooker and a few things I can steam in the microwave because I know I definitely won't want to be cooking or fixxing things after I'm done with work. I'll try to remember to take pictures of the food once it's done and post it up. Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoy yours.

Here's a little video since Jeff and I haven't been able to get together and record our weekly "Jeff and Miguel Show".

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The 3rd episode of the Jeff and Miguel Show. . .

Sorry for it being so long but when we talk things just kind of roll out and on. lol. I hope you guys enjoy it and don't worry, we'll get better ;).

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More or less just waking up. . .

It is 12:19 in the afternoon when I started writing this and I'm in bed getting ready to get up and start my day more or less. I'm just playing on my computer, killing time and procrastinating getting up alhough I'm starting to get hungry so I will be getting up soon to get some food. Not much has happened in the last few weeks. Just trying (keyword being trying) to save up money and get my life situated and together. Slowely but surely things are getting put into place but I'm starting to lose motivation which sucks.
   I need to mail a few things out again but I have to find some paperwork. I'll save that for wednesday since I have no work to do on wednesday. It'll give me time to do stuff without feeling rushed. Thanksgiving is coming up and I'll be working like always but I'm not sure what else, if anything, I'll be doing that day. I just might be too tired to bother with doing anything special.
   I might just start up the crockpot and have it going until I get back from work so I have something
special and different to eat. I guess we'll see how it plays out. Ugh, my stomach growling so I guess I should go get some food to shovel into my face now.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Jeff & Miguel Show Ep2

   Hey everyone. Just got done editing the latest Jeff & Miguel Show video and I had to divide them up into 3 different parts. We got carried away talking about stuff and lost track of time. Don't worry though. I'll be uploading all of them and all together its 18 mins long. Hope you guys enjoy!
Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A bit late but only by 12 or so hours. . .

I really didn't do much after this. Just stayed at home surfing the internet for a bit and fell asleep. Yes I know it sounds like a very exciting halloween but I had all my fun on the two days prior so I didn't mind. I needed the time to relax.

Friday, October 28, 2011

It's almost Halloween ! ! !

I couldn't really think of much to talk about so it's a bit short but I'll be working on that next time. From now on I'm going to be keeping notes on things to talk about. Lol, I know it's not that serious but it's fun to do. ;)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Video Post 1

My first solo webcam video. It's a bit messy and unorganized but I'll get better as I go.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Another day. . .

So I'm at work and it's been mind numbingly slow all day. I have about 3 hours and 15 minutes left and I'm counting down the seconds. Once I'm done here I'm going to be making my way back home to shave my back. Yes, I admit it, I have shave my back because it gets a little fuzzy if it's left to it's own machinations. My friend Jeff might be able to drive me home after work and help with the whole shaving my back situation.
I'll be all nice and smooth for work tonight which is just how I like it to be. Hopefully it'll be busy tonight at the club. Especially since I plan on wearing at least one costume. :) I need to make some serious $$$ and save most of it. Ugh.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's early and I'm awake. . .

Decided to wake up early so I can pick up my pay check before getting on the train to Boston and I guess I did things too early. The moment I got to my job my boss was pulling in also. He gave me my check and now I'm waiting for my bus downtown. The sad part is that's it's 8am and my train isn't till 9:42am. Oh well, better to get there early as opposed to missing my train.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yay! Just downloaded some blog apps. . .

I guess I got a little too excited about that. At least now I can keep updating my blogs a little easier now. Sorry for being MIA for so long. I'll be sure to try and keep up with it. I've just been working a lot and trying to give some spare time to my friends so haven't had much for my self.
I was on the cover of a local magazine here not too long ago. The pictures came out awesome. I'll post the cover shot up on this post somewhere. I got to go to ptown and hang out with some friends and I'm kind of seeing someone now but no jumping into anything. . . well maybe his bed. ;P lol. You'll be happy to know I did not sleep with him the first two times we met and hung out. The third time though was a different story. ;) I met him on august so we've been talking for about a month and some weeks.
Ive just been trying my best to relax and enjoy life.

Monday, August 15, 2011

So day 1 of my 7 day vacation. . .

   I spent the entire day doing laundry and cleaning/fixing up room. It's still not done of course with all my breaks and eating that stopped me. I can always finish it all up tomorrow. I bought some woolite to clean everything with and then some extra strength febreeze to make sure it smells amazing in my room for a long time after I clean. Of course keeping my room tidy will help with that too. ;)
   I'm definitely not going to spend my entire vacation cleaning. It was just first on my list which I should be able to check off tomorrow and then move onto the next thing which will be either talking to my docter over the phone or visiting the clinic to talk to them about / show them my blood glucose readings since going on the new insulin regimen I've been on. Oh, that should be fun . Then after that I get to go to the pharmacy and purchase a ridiculously priced vial (singular) of insulin which is almost a complete third of my rent. WhooHoooo! ugh. . .
   By friday that should all be done and set with hopefully. Wednesday seems to be a warm, sunny, non rainy day so I might take that chance to relax around downtown and enjoy the day with some friends maybe or by myself. Might even take it well into the night time also. I'll figure out what I'll do when the time comes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

OK, I need to go have fun. . .

Drawn by Rocketman.
Gallery link is

   That's exactly what I'm going to be doing on friday. Me and my roomie, Bobby, are going to be going to the beach to relax, get a tan and jump in cold water! I'm not too excited about the cold water part but hey the high's going to be 95 so I might enjoy it. We're going to be picking up another friend on our way down to the beach so that'll make a total of 3 for sure. I invited a few other people and they may or may not show up.

   It would be awesome if they make it though. I like going to the beach with a lot of people because it makes it interesting and a whole lot of fun. I'm excited about this because I've wanted to go all summer long and haven't yet but now I'm going to be there soon. I kind of don't want to wait though. I guess it can't be helped.

      Hey, maybe if we're lucky we can find a few guys to flirt with for a bit. It never hurts to make new friends. ;)


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So a few things have gone down as of late. . .

   So everything was going good the last post I wrote and then a few days ago my boyfriend broke up with because of some stressfull cirumstances placed on him by someone who he cares for a lot in his life who isn't me. Mind you I will be vague about it so sorry if I lose or confuse anyone. Me and him were happy until the other person made him choose something no one should have to choose. Him beig him choose the morally correct choice, which I am proud of him for, but not in a way I would have done it. Then again I would have done the opposite and would live with the consequences that follows and I would.

   I don't accept shackles placed on me by other people (a trait I apparently get from my father and possible my mother also) which is more or less what happend with him. I'm sad and heartbroken obviously because I love him but someone left an old phrase in the comments on my last post which kind of applies to the situation and I agree with. They wrote "When you love something set it free" which is more or less what I'm doing with my ex now except for the part about setting it free because I set it into a trap and not by my own choice which sux but it's his decision and I can see and understand his reasoning behind it. I know it's going to hurt for a while but I'm independent enough to know that I can get through just about anything (I say just about because I can't get through dying because I'm not that strong, once I'm dead I'm dead lol). So If it's meant to be then it will be one way or another and if not then I'll find someone that I love and that loves me back equally.

   What do you guys out there think? Feel free to write whatever positive or. . .negative (I would prefer you not though but it's a free world) things you want


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Update part 1. . .

   Sorry for being M.I.A for so long. I’ve just been having a few problems with the power cord to my computer and being that my battery doesn’t want to hold a charge anymore I kind of need my power cord to work. Now I have a new cord which works properly so there shouldn’t be anymore further issues with that for a while. There hasn’t been a whole lot that has happened in my little departure from blogging but there was a whole “Rapture” thing that I’m sure most of you heard about. There was no massive earthquake or cataclysmic volcanic eruption that I saw take place so that’s good right?

   Work has been. . .well work I guess. Nothing majorly exciting or new there unless you consider the upcoming lube wrestling event on the 16th and the arrival of Phenix Saint on the 18th something to talk about. Ok so that is a bit exciting but that’s coming later and hasn’t happened yet though so I’m sure I can fill you in on it during my next post. For now let’s just concentrate on recapping what’s gone down in the last few weeks. Where to start then. . . ?

   I have two new room mates living at my house now. One of them is my boyfriend which I’ve been seeing for about 5 months now and he moved in with me (in my room and everything J ) about two weeks now. The other room mate is a friend of ours who needed a change in his living situation. My other room mate (Morgan) who more or less owns the house is still there which rounds out the house to 4 people living in it again. Hopefully with all of us living there she (Morgan) will be less stressed out about bills and stuff.

   I think I should end it here for now because this post is starting to look more and more like a short story so I guess I’ll catch you guys later and tell you all about Lube Wrestling and Phenix Saint.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day #2 without a phone. . .

   So I have a phone that has a slide out keyboard which means that the screen is connect to the actual phone by some wiring or something and for some reason my phone decided to stop working with the screen on Friday night. It's a touch screen phone so most of everything has to be done with the screen but now that I can't even see the screen I can't do anything with it. So on Saturday (which was Day 1 without my phone) I went to the AT&T store and they gave me a number to call since my phone is still under warrenty. I called that number and they asked a few questions and then told me that they'll ship my replacement phone in a few days, since I opted to get by priority mail, so for the rest of the day on Saturday I was just irritable, cranky and in a bad mood. Now we're on day #2 and I'm tired and still not in any better of a mood.

   I'm just hoping today and tonight go by quick because I might just spazz out on someone and It wouldn't make me feel too happy afterwards. At least in three or so more months I'll be able to upgrade my phone and I am definitely thinking about getting an Iphone. I originally didn't get it becuase I hate having only a touch screen and wanted a keyboard with my phone so I got the htc tilt 2. It was ok except for this little dilemma that I'm currently having with the phone. I guess all I can do is wait.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ok so . . .

   We have the shower shows going on at Touch Providence every Wednesday and Saturday now. People are enjoying them and it seems like things are going good with that so far. The dancers seem to enjoy themselves when they do them and the ones who haven't are anxious to be able to get a chance to do one. Touch Providence will also be opening on Tuesdays now starting next week. This'll give all you people out there an extra day to come in and see the boys of Touch strut their stuff a bit more and it also gives the boys of Touch an extra day to work their stuff off so I'm seeing it as a win-win situation.

   I'm just hoping that tuesdays will be a big hit after a while even though chaces are that it won't seeing as it's in the beginning of the week. With that in mind Touch Providence has decided to have a no cover night every Tuesday starting next week which will hopefully be incentive enough to get people walking in through the doors. Honestly though naked boys dancing and talking to me would be incentive enough for myself but I guess not everyone's like me then. ;).  Well, whatever the case may be I am definitely hoping business picks up a bit more and if any of you reading out there can spread the word about Touch Providence , The only all nude, all male, strip club in Providence (in Rhode Island in fact) then please do.

   The address is 257 Allens ave. Providence RI so don't get lost trying to find it. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

So last week Saturday. . .

   We had our first Locker Room Shower Show (which is what we're more or less calling it). It was a whole lot of fun and people really enjoyed themselves. People came in, watched us put on a show and soaped us down so we could wash ourselves up.

   They did two shows on Saturday and then on wednesday they did some more. Officially now we will be doing a few Shower Shows every Wednesday and Saturday of each week. The first few went well but we're hoping that word gets around and more people start to come in to watch them. It'll be awesome once they start to take off again. Definitely something new and different to add to our repertoire.

Monday, April 25, 2011

What's this I hear about Shower Shows at Touch? ? ? . . .

  I am hearing rumors around, and by reputable sources which know who they are :), that Touch Providence will be starting up there Shower Shows this coming Wednesday. I hope this is true because I really do miss getting wet and soapy while having a few extra hands helping me getting washed up and I won't lie I also miss seeing the other boys in the shower with me. lol. Yes, I know, I'm hopeless but I can't help. Being wet and rubbing against other soapy, sexy, naked bodies is a whole lot of fun. I suggest coming and watching just how much fun it really can be.
   I will say that I am slightly saddened that I won't be able to be at Touch Providence until after 12am on Wednesday but I will definitely be there in spirit during the re-opening of the shower room. I shouldn't let myself get too upset because I'll definitely be getting my time in the shower room soon. I'm just so excited for it that I'm practically buzzing out of my skin right now. I'll be sure to let everyone know how the Shower Shows turn out and if there are any updates relating to it in the future. From what I'm hearing there should be at least two of them happening every week.
   One on Wednesday and the next on should be on Saturday. Of course, like I said, it should be at least two a week. There's a possibility that there will be more going on throughout the week so keep checking around. Be sure to follow us on facebook to stay up to date on everything. Just click here Touch Providence and then click on the like button. It's that easy.  See you in the shower room! ;)


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Having so much fun with my friends and my camera ! ! ! . . .

So since I've gotten my camera I have been taking random pictures here and there. Not all of them came out all that great which tends to happen when you're taking random pictures of you're friends and at the last second they all decide to make a face, move, do a dramatic pose, close their eyes or sneeze. lol.
It's always a good time when someone pulls out a camera though. Everyone gets excited and start posing almost  instantaneously. It's funny and never seems to fail with my group of  friends.

Now that the warmer weather is coming I'll be heading outside to hang out with people more often. That would be the perfect opportunity to try out all of the features on my camera and test it in different places.
Yay!!! I'm so excited about that. I hope all of my friends are ready for me to become the slightly annoying camera guy always taking pictures. lol
At least for a while because that's exactly how I'll be. I'm sure my friends won't be annoyed to much by me taking a lot of pictures of them. Most of them are camera whores anyways.
 Of course I don't mean that in any offensive way. I love my friends and the fact that they like it when I take pictures of them. I'd probably be a bit upset if they didn't let me take their picture.
    So don't be surprised if you see me somewhere snapping pictures like a lunatic. That's just me trying to get better at using my camera and attempting to take some good pictures.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Yay! ! ! I have a new camera now!

FUJIFILM - FinePix F300 12.0-Megapixel

Digital Camera - Black
   So I've been saving up a bit of money and I was going to use it for a week long vacation in august which I might not even go to anymore. So with the money I already saved up I decided to buy a brand new camera yesterday. I spent a few dollars extra so it can come by two days. Well the camera came in early and I got it today. I'm so excited and can't wait to use it. If the guys go out to Ihop tonight then that would be awesome because then I could test the camera out a bit.
   There will be a lot of pictures being taken by me soon. It'll definitely help make this blog look more lively.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dancing For Gender Equality

These guys seem to be having a lot of fun. lol. It was just funny to watch the little clip of the two girls in the top right of the video and seeing Reese and Chip copying what they were doing. I know it's a bit random but I had to share it because I thought it was funny. :)

Disclaimer: Originally found at and also at


Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Mardi Gras ! ! ! . . .

   I hope everybody is ready to start partying up this week! I know that there are a lot of clubs in downtown Providence that will be doing their own Mardi Gras parties and Touch Providence is no different this year. Touch Providence will be throwing a Mardi Gras party on March 11th with all the boys, beads and sexy fun you can handle. Be prepared to be served a feast for your eyes as ours boys put on a show for you and earn some beads of their own. Last but not least, I will be there on the 11th dancing the night away with the rest of the boys making sure that fun is had by everyone.
   Be sure to come out that night and see what other surprises we may come up with. ;)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yay! ! ! ! . . .

   I just got done filing my taxes and I'm very happy that it was so much easier and less complicated then I originally thought it would be! Now all I have to do is wait a little while for my refund to be sent to me which will most definitely go towards bills though. Grrrrr! Oh well, it can't really be helped much so all I can do is pay everything that I have to and enjoy what I can. At least I have that done and over with now. Now what's next?

   Oh, I know! Now I get to wait till I have to go to work at 6pm. Uggghhhhhhhh! I really don't want to go tonight. At least today is my "Friday" because I don't work on Thursday and Friday in any aspect so I can relax and spend the money I don't have on drinking. Hmmmmmm. . . I should probably make sure I don't acquire a drinking problem this year. =[.



Monday, February 21, 2011

Saturday was fun and breakfast afterwards made it that much better . . .

   Saturday wound up to be a good time. I had fun and danced until my feet were sore. Now, unfortunately, I'm wearing a band-aid on my little toe to keep it from scraping against my sock anymore. It should be better when I let my feet rest but if you know me then you know I won't really give my feet that much of a break. If I hear music then chances are that I'll be dancing to it.
   Back to Saturday though. Our two special guests for the night, Brandon Lewis and Tyler Andrews, came down and put on a very sexy show for us to watch. There were a few parts I wouldn't mind being able to rewind and watch again ;). Lol. I didn't get to personally talk with them both for too long but the few minutes I did get to talk with them they were pretty cool. Tyler is adorable and just kind of makes me want to ruffle his hair a bit and have a tickle/wrestle match with him. . .hmmmmm. . . in our pj's of course you dirty people! ;P.
   Brandon was definitely sexy although I will admit I might be slightly infatuated with him. I can't honestly even remember what we talked about too much only because it was hard for me to concentrate on anything other than the fact that he has a southern accent and it just made me melt to the floor the moment he uttered a word. If you haven't guessed I have a thing for southern accents. I don't know why but they drive me wild and needless to say now but Brandon has one of the accents. Just the fact that they both had some things going very well for them and then seeing them on stage and dancing together didn't stop me from enjoying the show even though I was working.
   I hope they enjoyed their night down at Touch Providence and had fun. After all the fun though I went out to breakfast with some of the boys and shoved some food straight into my face because I was really hungry and wanted some food. I was just happy that I remembered that I needed to chew my food while I was eating. It definitely ended my night on a high note though.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Touch Providences Double Header! ! ! ! !

   Tomorrow will be Touch Providences Double Header starring Brandon Lewis and Tyler Andrews! It should be a fun night tomorrow. :). Can't wait to see how the night turns out. All I know is that after it's all said and done I'm going to be tired and hankering for some breakfast. Lol. It's a good thing that there's a diner that's still open two seconds down the street when the club closes for the night because I am definitely going to be dragging some of the boys there with me so I can eat.

   Besides that I've also been excited that it's been so warm outside for the last two days down here in Providence. The weather should start to go back down after today but it was a nice break from the cold. It shouldn't get too cold during the day until Tuesday. I can't wait until the low for the day only hits around 30 degrees and the high hit from 48 and up.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Hey! Happy Valentines Day . . . .

    Also referred to as Remember You're Single Day by some of my friends and I. Sorry I've been M.I.A for a while. I just haven't been in front of my computer long enough to do much. Not too much has happened between the last entry that I made and now. I did put together a last minute Valentines Eve party down at Touch Providence.
   It was definitely fun! I went out and got candy and decorations yesterday before work and I had all the dancers come in wearing Valentine colored or inspired stripper wear. We got everyone on a sugar rush by handing out chocolate, sweet tarts and jolly rancher lollipops all night. It was kind of hard not to eat all of the lollipops because they tasted amazing. I somehow managed to stave myself from eating more than one lollipop though so I'm very proud about that.

   I don't know how I always manage this but I seem to always be single on Valentines Day. It just seems to be fate working it's maniacal plan for me to not have a Valentine. To be honest though my friends always make me better and since I am single on Valentines Day I always get to have more then one Valentine so I guess there's the silver lining in that situation. It still is really early in the day so I still might end up with a crush being my Valentine today and then that would just make my day. I'm not a snob though so even if that happens you can still be my Valentine too.

   Alright, I guess this is it for now but I will definitely be trying to be updating more often now. Hopefully I get myself into some interesting "adventures" to write about and keep you guys entertained. I'm sure things will come up. Once again Happy Valentines / Remember You're Single Day, whichever one you choose to celebrate. ;P


Monday, January 31, 2011

Hey everyone. . .

   OK, so for the last few weeks I've been kind of out of it for some reason or another. I'm not sure why but it's just been like that. I've been meaning to write out a blog but I just haven't gotten around to it so now, while I'm at work, waiting for the laundry to be finished I decided to get online and write one out which brings us here now. Let's start off with business first. Coming, February 19th, will be Touch Providence's Double Header!
   It sounds very dirty doesn't it? Well hopefully it plays out that way too. Lol. Alright, here's the details for it.
We've got a surprise for everyone on February 19th. We will be entertaining you with a night to remember with not just one but two adult entertainment stars! That's right two! Next Door Buddies exclusive Brandon Lewis and Falcon/ Hot House star Tyler Andrews! They'll be headlining our Double Header event with hot erotic stage shows, special autograph sessions and giveaways. So if you feel like you can handle two at once come down and join us so we can double your enjoyment this February 19!
 Should be very exciting! I can't wait! In regards to the club there are a few things being spruced and fixed up hopefully by the time these two handsome guys show they're pretty mugs at Touch all of it will be done and then everyone would be in for an awesome show. I've definitely got fingers crossed for it all being done in time. Now time for the personal stuff. Yay! ! ! . . . .  :| hmmmmm.
   Ok so I've wound up slightly hurt and disheartened by my last attempt at trying to date someone. It ended with me just having to accept the fact that he was at least not interested in me in the same way I was with him and at most he was using me for money which I really do not appreciate and trust me that's one of the main reasons I gave up on him because I don't let people use me for money so if you only call me to ask for things (whether I buy them or not) and don't try to at least make some personal time for the two of us then I'm not going to really wait around for you to figure out how to milk my compassion in a less obvious way. Plus I got tired of waiting for him to tell me he was still taking care of and sleeping with another person. Yeah, I'm done with him. ::Sigh:: Back up on the horse again I guess.
   Lastly if you are a family member of mine and you've read all the way to this point then first bravo for reading all of that and second this is who I am and my life so if you want to talk about it to me feel free and understand that your intentions are appreciated but please don't try to talk me out of my life and attempt to change who I am and what I'm doing. I love you but I'm not changing. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

2 something in the morning and I'm eating re-heated chinese food. . .

   Don't be alarmed that something's happened because nothing has. If you know me then you probably know that I usually eat dinner at around 1am and if you don't then, well, now you know also. Lol. Anyways, I just had the random feeling that I wanted to write out a blog so here I am. I guess this would be a perfect time to let you guys know what's going on in my ever-so-exciting life. Hmmm, where to start?
   So we (in providence/cranston, rhode island) have gotten around 1 to 2 feet of snow. Not too sure about the accuracy of that seeing as I didn't go out to measure it myself but from the safety of my nice, warm, living room I can definitely tell you that there is a whole lot of snow outside right now. So much so that I had a snow day from work today which made me very excited because Wednesdays are the last day of my work week until Saturday so I just got myself a 3 day weekend. WoooHoooo! ! ! Lol. I spent it doing some dishes and then watching a marathon of Greek with my room mate Morgan while eating chinese food and laughing about the show. I love hanging out like that with her.

Morgan and I hanging out.
   So to sum all of that up, I had a good, fun and relaxing day today thanks to the snow. Thank you snow ! ! ! Ok, on to other subjects now. I'm starting to have a crush on a boy now although I can't honestly call him a boy because he is a good bit older then I am. Nothing new there though, I'm always going after or dating someone older then me. Not by choice but by the fact that I'm just attracted to them and they so happen to be older then me
    You can't choose who you are attracted to so much as you can choose to breath. Sure you can choose not to breath the same way you can choose to go out, date or just have meaningless sex with someone you don't feel connected to but sooner or later you'll have to take a breath or you'll just wind up dead (or dead inside). lol. I'm not exactly sure how I got into that little ramble but let's move on. All in all I like this guy but there's a few problems in that situation. One being that I'm pretty sure that he and his girlfriend might be bunking together for the time being.
   Yeah, leave it to me to fall for straight guys but, hold on, what's this? He isn't straight! He say's he's bi and I know how a lot of you think and honestly I couldn't care less if you believe in bisexuality because I'm bi also so if you think being bi doesn't exist well then go away or keep your opinions to yourself. So yeah, where was I? Right, he said that he's bi and would like to hang out some time with me which I of course agreed to and also told him that I kinda have a crush on him to which his reply was that he felt the same. Now I'm all excited about this but can't do much until he decides to let me know about his situation with the girl and what he plan's on doing about it because for all he knows I still know nothing about his girlfriend.
   I'm only so well informed because I know a good amount of people. I always seem to get myself into complicated situations when it comes to romantic interests. Anyways, sorry for the lengthy blog. Hopefully I haven't put you guys to sleep.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hey, it's a new year! ! ! ! ! !

   And I'm 7 days late in writing this. Sorry, I guess I got too caught up in the celebrating of the new year. So my New Years eve celebration consisted of strippers, a porn star, lots of alcohol and friends (appropriately mixed), and me working from 11:40 am till 2am. It was a blast! Honestly though, the whole celebrating thing is still happening and I'm still having fun.
   The porn star's name is Hunter Vance and he was cool. He did a whole candle wax and fireman show and it was fun to watch. I said hi to him and we talked a little bit (and I mean a few seconds at a time like 3 times so it was a very little bit). Some of my friends were there and we drank into the New Year in which 20 minutes prior I had started to work. It was fun and I made some extra, unexpected money so it worked out.
   Since then I've been having a good time enjoying the new year and so far it's starting off pretty good. Let's just hope I didn't jinx my self right now and this year keeps it's momentum. Here's the big news though. I only guest appeared at Touch on new years for about two hours but starting tonight I'll be dancing there again every Saturday and Sunday so you know what that means right? I better see you guys there!
   I miss being a dancer while I was on my 2 month break so I'm really excited to start dancing again tonight. Should be fun! I hope all of your new years were just as fun and if you feel so inclined to tell me about it then feel free. I always love to read about other people having a good/crazy time in their lives.
