Thursday, January 13, 2011

2 something in the morning and I'm eating re-heated chinese food. . .

   Don't be alarmed that something's happened because nothing has. If you know me then you probably know that I usually eat dinner at around 1am and if you don't then, well, now you know also. Lol. Anyways, I just had the random feeling that I wanted to write out a blog so here I am. I guess this would be a perfect time to let you guys know what's going on in my ever-so-exciting life. Hmmm, where to start?
   So we (in providence/cranston, rhode island) have gotten around 1 to 2 feet of snow. Not too sure about the accuracy of that seeing as I didn't go out to measure it myself but from the safety of my nice, warm, living room I can definitely tell you that there is a whole lot of snow outside right now. So much so that I had a snow day from work today which made me very excited because Wednesdays are the last day of my work week until Saturday so I just got myself a 3 day weekend. WoooHoooo! ! ! Lol. I spent it doing some dishes and then watching a marathon of Greek with my room mate Morgan while eating chinese food and laughing about the show. I love hanging out like that with her.

Morgan and I hanging out.
   So to sum all of that up, I had a good, fun and relaxing day today thanks to the snow. Thank you snow ! ! ! Ok, on to other subjects now. I'm starting to have a crush on a boy now although I can't honestly call him a boy because he is a good bit older then I am. Nothing new there though, I'm always going after or dating someone older then me. Not by choice but by the fact that I'm just attracted to them and they so happen to be older then me
    You can't choose who you are attracted to so much as you can choose to breath. Sure you can choose not to breath the same way you can choose to go out, date or just have meaningless sex with someone you don't feel connected to but sooner or later you'll have to take a breath or you'll just wind up dead (or dead inside). lol. I'm not exactly sure how I got into that little ramble but let's move on. All in all I like this guy but there's a few problems in that situation. One being that I'm pretty sure that he and his girlfriend might be bunking together for the time being.
   Yeah, leave it to me to fall for straight guys but, hold on, what's this? He isn't straight! He say's he's bi and I know how a lot of you think and honestly I couldn't care less if you believe in bisexuality because I'm bi also so if you think being bi doesn't exist well then go away or keep your opinions to yourself. So yeah, where was I? Right, he said that he's bi and would like to hang out some time with me which I of course agreed to and also told him that I kinda have a crush on him to which his reply was that he felt the same. Now I'm all excited about this but can't do much until he decides to let me know about his situation with the girl and what he plan's on doing about it because for all he knows I still know nothing about his girlfriend.
   I'm only so well informed because I know a good amount of people. I always seem to get myself into complicated situations when it comes to romantic interests. Anyways, sorry for the lengthy blog. Hopefully I haven't put you guys to sleep.


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