Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Working and working some more but happy Thanksgiving. . .

   Hey everyone. I've been busy lately just working a lot so I'm sorry I haven't done much on here. Thanksgiving is coming up in two days and I have my food ready for it. It's nothing fancy or big since I have to work on Thanksgiving and won't be home until after 1am. Everything I got had that in mind so I got food to put in the slow cooker and a few things I can steam in the microwave because I know I definitely won't want to be cooking or fixxing things after I'm done with work. I'll try to remember to take pictures of the food once it's done and post it up. Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoy yours.

Here's a little video since Jeff and I haven't been able to get together and record our weekly "Jeff and Miguel Show".

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