Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So a few things have gone down as of late. . .

   So everything was going good the last post I wrote and then a few days ago my boyfriend broke up with because of some stressfull cirumstances placed on him by someone who he cares for a lot in his life who isn't me. Mind you I will be vague about it so sorry if I lose or confuse anyone. Me and him were happy until the other person made him choose something no one should have to choose. Him beig him choose the morally correct choice, which I am proud of him for, but not in a way I would have done it. Then again I would have done the opposite and would live with the consequences that follows and I would.

   I don't accept shackles placed on me by other people (a trait I apparently get from my father and possible my mother also) which is more or less what happend with him. I'm sad and heartbroken obviously because I love him but someone left an old phrase in the comments on my last post which kind of applies to the situation and I agree with. They wrote "When you love something set it free" which is more or less what I'm doing with my ex now except for the part about setting it free because I set it into a trap and not by my own choice which sux but it's his decision and I can see and understand his reasoning behind it. I know it's going to hurt for a while but I'm independent enough to know that I can get through just about anything (I say just about because I can't get through dying because I'm not that strong, once I'm dead I'm dead lol). So If it's meant to be then it will be one way or another and if not then I'll find someone that I love and that loves me back equally.

   What do you guys out there think? Feel free to write whatever positive or. . .negative (I would prefer you not though but it's a free world) things you want



  1. Darling no one can place shackles on someone who doesn't want them placed. Going into a relationship with someone who is not truly free to love is a set up to fail. Don't take it personally, learn from it. Never get involved with someone who is in a relationship, especially a decade long one where they are married and bisexual. There are ties that bind, years of sharing that they only know. That love runs deeper. Again, he wanted those shackles and often in the bar talked about having made a mistake. He cared about you, but he loved the other. I'd feel better knowing he went back to someone and didn't leave you for another man. At that point you could question what you did wrong, this way you know it's not about you, it's about them. If you paid attention to the way he spoke of the person, you saw it too. I know about what they were doing, he said "in sickness and health and they always were by me in mine, they get me. I need them and am scared of rejection" He played you both unintentionally. There is a man for you, it's just not him.

  2. Oh, and sweetie, he slept with Steven Fransico about 2 weeks after you started dating. He enjoys young Hispanic boys. Ask around, he wasn't faithful to anyone. I was told Steve would never tell because he was in fear of Morgan. I'm pretty sure that's the only one, but who knows? Be happy to be single to find a guy who is with you and only you, mind, body and soul.

  3. Let's set this straight. He had been writing me for weeks telling me he was unhappy. He took me out and played "shattered glass" and said he couldn't hear it without crying, and told me he was an idiot, he loved me and always had, and asked if there was any chance I could forgive him. He's bi, and he loves who he loves.

    You, while reading your blogs I have found, knew he was married or involved. He told me he often talked to you and talked about our issues. You went after a married man, heard only his side, and was the ever present shoulder weaving your web for the man you had set sights on. You go after married men, break up familes then cry about it??? I sat home devestated for months, I'm sure you cared. I lost my home, my belongings, my family right down to my dog who lived with you. You should be ashamed of yourself looking for sympathy on your "heart break." It's called Karma!

    11 years I have shared with this man, your few months aren't comparable. You never had B, you had Morgan. Morgan is a persona, Morgan doesn't exist outside your world. I actually felt bad for you, warned you of his dark side. Now I know you tried to steal him, trash me, and are a home wrecker I don't feel badly at all. You will never hear from me again, cry all you want, say what you want to make yourself feel better. Leave us alone. We are trying to rid you and work on our marriage. Hope you never know the pain you put me through, hope nobody ever insinuates themselves into your relationship. And no, I didn't wreck yours, he's MY HUSBAND...would you let yours of that long walk without a fight? I love him, always have and always will. My vows (in a church) mean something. Just how can I, HIS WIFE, come between your fling? Assbackwards my friend.

  4. Lol, way to blow your spot up. I was being vague so no one knew what happened on your behalf and when we dated and he lived with me he left you. I didn't go after him he came after me and I reciprocated his advances and I didn't know about you until a little after we met but he told me you guys were through but he cared for you still because of your past together. I accepted that and moved forward the same way I'm accepting the fact that he went back to you for reasons I'm sure you know and isn't my place to say on somewhere public. You are right though going after somoeone who's in a relationship that isn't completely over isn't something I should do and for a while haven't and I told him I don't mess with people who have that kind of baggage to them but he was adamant about it being over and liking me so I made a mistake, I'm human. He cares enough for you to make sure you live a good life so be happy with that. If it's his choice to be with you or not then it's whatever because there's really nothing I can do and I can Live with that. If you really want to try to get me away from your life then don't read my blog. It's not that hard. For everyone else if you need any clarification feel free to ask her and me what happened and I'll be more then happy to tell you and maybe she'll still stick around to answer a few questions herself if she feels ever so inclined to.

  5. He did leave me, but he left you as well so let's agree it's really an issue. Let's agree he persued you, and then while he lived with you persued me. Non issue.

    I really don't blame you, he had vows to me and you did not. What you still fail to grasp is that everything I ever told you about him was the truth and I have to believe you had to have seen signs of these things. I am not a liar or a vicious person by nature.

    I'm viewing it as this. You heard and were told totally different things than the stories I was being told. He told you things you wanted to hear and to keep you, and he was doing the same thing with me. I know you think I made some crazy attempt, that never happened. I, back in mid May started getting nightly texts on how he missed me. Everytime we saw each other he kissed me and told me he loved me. Don't you see what went on here?

    So we end in a boat where we both want him, we both love him. He had the best of both worlds for a while (although I assure you I didn't sleep with him, so if he says he didn't, he didn't)..He is complex, he is a lot of things, but I have been in love with him forever and I didn't quite twist him arm as he'd have you believe. I was dating, he didn't like it. I was not chasing him. We are meant to be, and I really do hope you find your lobster.

  6. It is obvious that someone is lying to me but in the end doesn't really matter if it's you or him because I'm more or less not in the picture anymore but I do recall and am currently looking at a message you sent me on facebook that you and him had slept with each other while we were together so either you were lying then or now which doesn't make much of a difference anyways. It's just a situation where I'll never completely know what went on for sure. I just have to pick a side and stick with it and that side isn't his even though I found no reason to think he was lying or your side which I'm less ample to beleive because I really don't know you and evidently you lied to me once before in the message or that last comment. I pick my side which puts together what he said, you said and what I've seen and heard. I did hear some of your conversations with him though I really wasn't trying to. You have him and always more or less will. . .lol lobster, that's cute. If I beleive you or not shouldn't matter to you. You have what you want.
    Btw texting and calling him everyday a few times every other hour (when I'm playing games on his phone so I see who's texting) might make someone think you're chasing someone. 'sigh' ok that was a bit petty but whatever, I'm human. I just had an idea and it's probably not the best and you don't have to prove anything to me but why don't we hang out and get to know each other and I can see for myself how life really is we can get coffee somewhere in downtown providence and i'll make sure it's crowded because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or threatened at all. If he's everything you say you can show me over time. I know it's a stupid plan but it sounds good to me right now. What do you say?

  7. I wasn't lying. The fact is I don't know when you all started, he told me it wasn't until about a week after he "officially" moved in with you. I know that isn't true. I went through his phone and saw texts too. I didn't sleep with him after April 3rd, the day he said he was gay we slept together that morning. He asked me in the time he slept in the other room, but I declined him. We both offically moved out of the house the weekend of May 22 & 23. So no, I'm not lying, that statement means after April 3rd.

    Those texts never asked him to come back to me. Most were about money because he promised to support me, then gave me approx. 400 a month however 300+ were bills in his name coming out of my account I couldn't cover without him. And why should I pay his bills? Sometimes I did say I was unhappy sure, but he's my husband. What doesn't resonate with you that I was in pain, loved the man and a history. If he cut it off with me, didn't always tell me he loved me, kissed me, said he missed me. If I didn't recieve late night love texts...I'd have no reason to think he didn't want me in the picture. Does that make sense? Oh and that other dancer thing is true, he told me himself when he did it, and I told him he was an asshole and shouldn't treat you like that. I even said I'd tell you and his words were "Go right ahead, who is he going to believe? You the jilted ex, or me?" I knew he was right so I didn't. I asked him if he was worried about him telling you since you all were at the club and people talk. He said he scared the shit out of the guy into staying quiet (I asked if he was proud he'd screw anyone then threaten them?) and he wasn't concerned.

    I'd meet you, I'm not nervous. This whole thing irks me but I have no reason to believe you are dangerous to me.

  8. Your words to me were "After the first two weeks of when you two started dating he slept with me". Anyways thet doesn't matter, when do you want to meet? we can have coffee at starbucks downtown or at the borders in the mall. let me know what day and time would be best.

  9. I don't know when you started dating, I assume it was before he told me because of "I love yous" and the ring the week he told me. He stated it was after he moved out, we all know that's a lie. Dude if I were doing him while I knew you were, in all honesty I would have loved to throw it in your face. I stopped when I found out for sure he was being unfaithful. If you care to see it all through my eyes, back through January, what I knew and when I knew it read my blogs. I am one of your followers, not hard to find. I have my girl for vacation this week, next week would be better.

  10. Alright. Sometime next week then we'll hang out. Let me know if you need my number or anything.
