Thursday, June 9, 2011

Update part 1. . .

   Sorry for being M.I.A for so long. I’ve just been having a few problems with the power cord to my computer and being that my battery doesn’t want to hold a charge anymore I kind of need my power cord to work. Now I have a new cord which works properly so there shouldn’t be anymore further issues with that for a while. There hasn’t been a whole lot that has happened in my little departure from blogging but there was a whole “Rapture” thing that I’m sure most of you heard about. There was no massive earthquake or cataclysmic volcanic eruption that I saw take place so that’s good right?

   Work has been. . .well work I guess. Nothing majorly exciting or new there unless you consider the upcoming lube wrestling event on the 16th and the arrival of Phenix Saint on the 18th something to talk about. Ok so that is a bit exciting but that’s coming later and hasn’t happened yet though so I’m sure I can fill you in on it during my next post. For now let’s just concentrate on recapping what’s gone down in the last few weeks. Where to start then. . . ?

   I have two new room mates living at my house now. One of them is my boyfriend which I’ve been seeing for about 5 months now and he moved in with me (in my room and everything J ) about two weeks now. The other room mate is a friend of ours who needed a change in his living situation. My other room mate (Morgan) who more or less owns the house is still there which rounds out the house to 4 people living in it again. Hopefully with all of us living there she (Morgan) will be less stressed out about bills and stuff.

   I think I should end it here for now because this post is starting to look more and more like a short story so I guess I’ll catch you guys later and tell you all about Lube Wrestling and Phenix Saint.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, things seem like they are looking up! They are for me too, they are right about the saying if you love something set it's happened for me. Muah!
