Monday, December 27, 2010

Oh Christmas. How I wanted to scream while breaking things durring your day. . .

   Ugh, that's all I can say about it. Ok, that's a lie. I had a good and fun Christmas eve though. Went to a friends house for a Christmas dinner they were having. It was fun and there was a lot of good food which I thoroughly enjoyed as well as some good drinks being mad which I enjoyed more of, lol.
   I felt kind of bad though because I was getting so hungry while I was waiting to be picked up that I had to eat some food before my ride showed up but having two nicely sized dinners within minutes of each other was satisfying. We drank, ate and watched almost (and sometimes completely) naked gladiators fight train and argue. I have to say that Spartacus: Blood and Sand is a very good show ;). It was a definite good time being had by me and my friends. The annoying part started after I got home. Some time after I got home and before I woke up the next morning.
   I wake up on Christmas day to find my cell phone telling me I have no sim card in it which, btw, I do. So I take it out and put it back in to only get the same message. I try put it into my old phone and the phone still doesn't detect it so now I know for certain the sim card is messed up. All I have to do is get a new one which is no problem except that it's Christmas and the AT&T store is closed. I still went to check anyways for myself and lo and behold, it was.
   So I make my journey all the way back to my place from downtown to come back to the warm but empty house with no working phone. At that moment I was livid to say the least. I couldn't call my father, let alone anyone else, on Christmas and I knew they were all texting and calling me so I was in a bad mood, more or less. At least I was by myself with no one to go off on. I just cooked some food and watched the Buffy marathon they were having on Chiller.
   At least in that respect it was peaceful and quiet. Of course on the next day when the AT&T store is open and I head there to get my phone fixed this snow storm decides to accompany me when I get downtown. I go straight to the mall, get my new sim (which fixes my phone), eat some food, walk around for a few minutes and then head to the Starbucks at the Biltmore so I can kill the next 45 minutes, which is when my bus comes, and stay warm with some coffee. Of course it doesn't work out that way. I get there and there's a sign on the door saying that they'll be closing in the next 5 minutes due to the coming storm.
   I decide to get my coffee anyways and leave to wait for my bus but see a cab waiting where they usually do near the bus station so I say screw and take a cab back home. Once I get home my phone decides that it now wants to acknowledge all the text messages and voice mails I received while my pone was out of commission. 86 text messages (a good portion from weather and Facebook updates) and 5 voice mails. Oh fun. After going through all of it I ended my day by cooking some food, sat in front of the t.v. downstairs and then up in my room with a dvd set in it, snuggling up with my teddy bear and drinking coffee and hot coco.
   I'm hoping that New years will go a little better.


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