Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hunter Vance - New Year's Eve - Touch Providence

^-Promo for New Years at Touch Providence with Hunter Vance!-^

Hey everyone! It's almost time to celebrate the coming of the new year and I have my plans set. I'll be at Touch Providence with a group of my friends and drinking down the year with the boys at Touch as well as their special guest for the evening Hunter Vance. I might even do my own special guest appearance once or twice on stage but I'm not too sure on that yet. I am sure about just trying to enjoy the night.
Alcohol, strippers, porn star and all. Hopefully it will be a night to remember and please feel free to come down and hang with me because it's always good to have more friends around. I'm just so excited. I'm so excited and who knows, I might even find some one to REALLY kiss-in the new year with, if you catch my drift ;). Ok, ok, I might just be getting a little carried away but it never hurts to dream.
Well, whatever your plans for the new year may be, whether their with me down at Touch. . . ;) . . . or not, I hope you have fun on New Years Eve and have a great intro to the new year.

P.S. Feel free to send me any little dirty details about how you ring in 2011.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Oh Christmas. How I wanted to scream while breaking things durring your day. . .

   Ugh, that's all I can say about it. Ok, that's a lie. I had a good and fun Christmas eve though. Went to a friends house for a Christmas dinner they were having. It was fun and there was a lot of good food which I thoroughly enjoyed as well as some good drinks being mad which I enjoyed more of, lol.
   I felt kind of bad though because I was getting so hungry while I was waiting to be picked up that I had to eat some food before my ride showed up but having two nicely sized dinners within minutes of each other was satisfying. We drank, ate and watched almost (and sometimes completely) naked gladiators fight train and argue. I have to say that Spartacus: Blood and Sand is a very good show ;). It was a definite good time being had by me and my friends. The annoying part started after I got home. Some time after I got home and before I woke up the next morning.
   I wake up on Christmas day to find my cell phone telling me I have no sim card in it which, btw, I do. So I take it out and put it back in to only get the same message. I try put it into my old phone and the phone still doesn't detect it so now I know for certain the sim card is messed up. All I have to do is get a new one which is no problem except that it's Christmas and the AT&T store is closed. I still went to check anyways for myself and lo and behold, it was.
   So I make my journey all the way back to my place from downtown to come back to the warm but empty house with no working phone. At that moment I was livid to say the least. I couldn't call my father, let alone anyone else, on Christmas and I knew they were all texting and calling me so I was in a bad mood, more or less. At least I was by myself with no one to go off on. I just cooked some food and watched the Buffy marathon they were having on Chiller.
   At least in that respect it was peaceful and quiet. Of course on the next day when the AT&T store is open and I head there to get my phone fixed this snow storm decides to accompany me when I get downtown. I go straight to the mall, get my new sim (which fixes my phone), eat some food, walk around for a few minutes and then head to the Starbucks at the Biltmore so I can kill the next 45 minutes, which is when my bus comes, and stay warm with some coffee. Of course it doesn't work out that way. I get there and there's a sign on the door saying that they'll be closing in the next 5 minutes due to the coming storm.
   I decide to get my coffee anyways and leave to wait for my bus but see a cab waiting where they usually do near the bus station so I say screw and take a cab back home. Once I get home my phone decides that it now wants to acknowledge all the text messages and voice mails I received while my pone was out of commission. 86 text messages (a good portion from weather and Facebook updates) and 5 voice mails. Oh fun. After going through all of it I ended my day by cooking some food, sat in front of the t.v. downstairs and then up in my room with a dvd set in it, snuggling up with my teddy bear and drinking coffee and hot coco.
   I'm hoping that New years will go a little better.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

I just want to go back to sleep. . .

   I went to the Christmas party at Touch Providence and hung out with some of my friends. We just chit-chatted for most of the night and drank our way to the end so we were definitely having fun. There were a good amount of people and it stayed relatively crowded till the end. The dancers all seemed like they were getting along with their night pretty good so I'm guessing there weren't any problems or drama going on with each other. It was a good night all in all with lots of people bringing sometimes more then one toy so we can donate them to Aids Care Ocean State for kids who might be having a bit harder Christmas then the rest of us.
   I also have some news for New Years. . .
Hunter Vance will be helping us ring in the New Year with us down at Touch Providence! Friday, Dec. 31st he will be putting on a show for all of us to enjoy and there seems to be some giveaways as well so come to find out what they might be. He'll also be doing an autograph session for all of his fans if you're just itching to spend some quality autograph signing time with him. Lastly while the clock hits midnight, we will be doing a champagne toast to help everyone ring in the New Year right!
   Now I think I wrote too much. lol. If you don't hear from me on my blog before Christmas then I hope you have a wonderful one and enjoy yourself wherever you might be or find yourself on that day.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

I can hear the rain on the roof . . .

   I am at work right now and I can hear the rain pounding away at the roof. It kind of adds a certain feeling to the place. Safety from the elements I guess but not by much cause the roof is leaking in different areas of the building. Lol, tonight should be fun! Of course that's being said with sarcasm.
   I actually think that tonight is going to be a long night because I'm already getting tired and my shift hasn't even officially started yet. all I know is that after work I am going straight home and heading to sleep because I have to wake up and come back here to work a 4pm. Yeah this should definitely be fun.


Last night was a blast. . .

   I went to a X-mas party at Carl's house last night and I had so much fun. I've been waiting for this party for a while now and I'm so glad I was able to go. My roommate Morgan and I went together and got there around 6:30 is and we hung out and talked with everyone and drank a bit. We even played a few rounds of pool and I won one which I was surprised about cause I don't really play pool. I know the rules but never actually put my skills to practice with it.
   I definitely drank a lot which made the night that much more entertaining. I met a few new people and laughed a lot and this is probably the first party where I was completely comfortable just mingling with everybody whether or not I knew them. I got to see Chantelle and Camilla which was awesome because I haven't seen them in a while and it's always fun with them around.  The only thing that didn't really happen though was a lot of dancing. Some of us would randomly start dancing in place for a few minutes but it never grew into a full out dance floor.
    I am proud of myself though because a little passed half way through the night I went around the entire house and collected a good amount of tips from people for Chantelle since she was bar tending last night. I'm happy I got people to tip her more. Anyway all in all it was a fun night had by, if not all then, most.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

So I had fun last night. . .

   Lol. That title definitely sounds dirty and I don't mean it in that way, at least not this time. ;). Anyways, last night I was at Touch Providence to see Ricky Sinz and just hang out with the dancers. I only got to see Ricky Sinz dance just once but it was a good one dance that I got to see. I also got to talk to him for like a minute at most but he seemed like a complete sweet heart. I'm just so upset I couldn't stay longer.
   Besides that though the rest of my night at touch was fun. I chit-chatted with the dancers and saw a few friends there so I enjoyed myself. Especially when Nickey and Christian, two of the X-static boys, decided to dance together on stage. They put on an awesome show to the point where I went to the stage and tipped them a lot more then I was planning on spending. lol. They did a really good job and definitely deserved it.
   Afterward though Nickey came up to me and said that he was going to go up with Christian again and do another set and asked if I could come up with them and dance. Naturally I agreed only after I made sure it was okay with everyone and it was so I got into my underwear (and luckily I was wearing cute ones lol) and waited for the d.j. to call the three of us on stage. We danced and I guess we did good cause the customers were telling us that we did a good job. It really did put a smile on my face to do that last night. After talking to a few people here and there I had to run off to work which ended my fun night.
   For the next 8 hours I had to deal with drunk, ignorant and annoying people which killed my mood a bit. All in all though I really enjoyed last night. It's unfortunate that I have to report though that there was no pole in last night. I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed in having it there by the time I go back.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Ricky Sinz tonight at Touch ! ! ! . . .

   I am so excited for tonight! Ricky Sinz will be at Touch Providence and if anything I just want to see him up close in person. Ugh, I wish I didn't have to work tonight at 12 but Ray-Ray is still on vacation till next week so I have to work the 12 to 8 shift tonight. I just hope I can still enjoy some sort of show tonight before I go in to work. If you're reading this and can make it in to Touch tonight then you should so totally go!
   It's always nice to see you guys out and about and share a few drinks. Anyways, besides the whole Ricky Sinz stuff Touch Providence has a new bigger stage that isn't hiding in the corner anymore which is good cause it gives the dancer a bit more room to dance on and is easier for the customer to sit and watch. It has also been said that there should be a pole installed on the stage by tonight! I'm hoping to go in and see it there. I'll definitely let you guys who don't show up tonight know if the pole is in or not tonight as well as how the night goes (at least from 9 till 12 and whatever I hear about it afterward).
   I hope there's a good crowd tonight and that everything goes smoothly. I'm already dressed and ready to go so all there is left to do is wait.Ugh, I hate waiting. Lol. See you guys there!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

At work just letting time go by. . .

   Hey everyone. So like the title says, I am at work right now and it is very slow so far. I'm drinking some coffee (which I wish I had some vanilla coffee mate for or anything of that nature actually) and passing some time on my computer. 12 can not come soon enough because that's when I'm done and I can just relax for a bit afterward. Just another 6 and a half hours left to go then.
   Besides that there isn't much else. X-mas is coming in about 3 weeks and I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to be doing for that. So far there is nothing planned. It just might be a relaxing x-mas at home by myself which I'm not totally against. I guess we'll see.
   Now on New Years there are plans in the works which I won't hold out too much hope for though. That way I won't be disappointed if it doesn't come to pass.  My friend Michael is heading down to Florida with his cousin I think and asked if I wanted to come along so we can stop by and say hi to my father. I said yes but only if I can come back before I have work, which is at 3pm on Sunday and New Years is Saturday into Sunday so we'll see. Should be fun if it does happen though.
   Lastly on December 10th Ricky Sinz will be making his appearance at Touch Providence which I will be there to see hopefully. I have to run off to work at 12am so I hope he shows up at least once before I have to go work. I think he's sexy and I hope he's stage presence is too. Can't wait. I'll probably even ask for an autograph if I can (through someone else of course seeing as the autograph session is probably going to happen while I'm at work).
   That's about it for now.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

12 am till 8 am. . .

   So right now I'm at work cause a co-worker is taking his vacation time this week which leaves the rest of us filling in the time that he used to work for the time he's gone for. It's not much of a problem but that just leaves me working from 12 am till 8 am for most of the week. I'm really not used to it so I just have to get into the groove of it. I usually don't get to sleep until 4 to 6 in the morning anyways so it's not much of a stretch to work till 8. This is the first time right now for me so I just have to work my way through it and hopefully figure out what to expect for the rest of the week.
    It's only been an hour so far and I'm already a little sleepy but I'm sure I can make it through the rest of the morning without much of a problem. At least I have a good few months to look forward to after this week is over. My boss and one of my other co-workers got more of a set schedule for me and my co-worker so I'll be working the same days almost every week and and enough time to relax and enjoy living which I have admittedly have not been doing too much of. that schedule won't start until after this following week though so I just need to hold out till then. Should be fun.
    I just might hit Mirabar some time soon then. I haven't been there since Halloween.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

hmmmm . . . .

   So I just ordered an extra large pizza with pepperoni, tomatoes and sausage. I also bought ice cream, pickles, chocolate syrup and something to eat in the morning. so this should be a fun night of eating excessive amounts of random stuff. Yay!!! Can't wait.