Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wow, I suck at up keeping this blog. . .

   I love how my last post was just about a year ago. Lol! I really should try to keep up with this if I ever want it to actually be out there and for people to read. So I'm sure you can imagine that a bit has happened within the last year. My father moved to Florida to start fresh and hopefully have an easier time getting a job. I dated someone for 6 months and broke up with him cause I didn't feel completely in it which turned out good cause afterward he showed how immature he really is and how he always has to be the victim and blah blah blah.
   I've gone through his many flaws with my friends and it's just too lengthy to be typing down right now. Anyways, that's finally done and over with so I decided to take some time for myself and enjoy being single but the universe seemed to have other plans by throwing someone into my life that I have become so infatuated with in such a short time. His name is Sean and it sometimes feels too good to be true because he seems to be on the same page as I am. He's cute, sexy and funny and so far it feels really good. We've been officially together for 19 days so far but we've been talking for a bout a month or so and as I'm typing this I'm realizing that it's felt a whole lot longer than that. It's just crazy and the part that makes this different is that he's my age.
   My last two boyfriends were 38 and 28 respectfully. I'm 22 right now and so is Sean and he seems like the perfect mix of characteristics for me. Anyways, I don't want to get stuck on that topic right now so I'll just say that he makes me happy. Other changes are that I have a job that pays me a good reliable pay check but I still dance. It's only on Fridays and Saturdays but I have to leave at 12am on Saturday and work my other job till 4am.
   It's tough at times but it pays my bills and I love the dancing a little too much to stop right now. This is way longer than necessary already so I'll just leave it at this for now. Ttyl I guess. ;)


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