Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So yeah . . .

   Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I know I had a nice relaxing one. I stayed in my bathrobe all day and let the slow cooker go till dinner time. I only had to cook dinner for myself and no company was expected and the house was empty so I didn't have to fix my hair or put more clothes on. It was peaceful but a bit sad too cause I would've loved to have spent it with my family (which moved from New York to Florida not too long ago) but I couldn't. I still enjoyed a nice little dinner by myself though.
   So not too much has happened since then tho except for the fact that Sean broke up with me today. It literally happened only 2 hours ago and I'm still going through the shock part of it but I'm sure I'm going to break down some time soon. I'm just happy we could handle it like two mature adults though. He came to my house, told me we had to talk and just laid it out without any beating around the bush. Granted I was blind sided by the suddenness of it but we talked a bit and I tried as good as I could without sounding desperate or needy to let him know that I cared about him a lot. I guess it's all up to him now cause if he called me tomorrow and told me he misses me and wants me back, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to get back with him.
   Anyways, to sum it all up I had a slightly sad thanksgiving that was actually nice and peaceful (which I probably needed) and an extremely sad day today. I hope Christmas and New Years are better.


1 comment:

  1. I had a lonely Thanksgiving myself. Everyone at home went their seperate ways and to their own dinners/parties while I just stayed home. Like you, I ended up making myself food and relaxing. It was nice change of pace considering how loud an Italian family gets :) Two volumes--loud and louder.

    Sorry to hear about another breakup, but you'll find someone else. You've been a gentleman every time I've been around you and you'll have no problem in the relationship department! Keep your chin up...New Years and Christmas are bound to be better for you!

