Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yay! ! ! ! . . .

   I just got done filing my taxes and I'm very happy that it was so much easier and less complicated then I originally thought it would be! Now all I have to do is wait a little while for my refund to be sent to me which will most definitely go towards bills though. Grrrrr! Oh well, it can't really be helped much so all I can do is pay everything that I have to and enjoy what I can. At least I have that done and over with now. Now what's next?

   Oh, I know! Now I get to wait till I have to go to work at 6pm. Uggghhhhhhhh! I really don't want to go tonight. At least today is my "Friday" because I don't work on Thursday and Friday in any aspect so I can relax and spend the money I don't have on drinking. Hmmmmmm. . . I should probably make sure I don't acquire a drinking problem this year. =[.



Monday, February 21, 2011

Saturday was fun and breakfast afterwards made it that much better . . .

   Saturday wound up to be a good time. I had fun and danced until my feet were sore. Now, unfortunately, I'm wearing a band-aid on my little toe to keep it from scraping against my sock anymore. It should be better when I let my feet rest but if you know me then you know I won't really give my feet that much of a break. If I hear music then chances are that I'll be dancing to it.
   Back to Saturday though. Our two special guests for the night, Brandon Lewis and Tyler Andrews, came down and put on a very sexy show for us to watch. There were a few parts I wouldn't mind being able to rewind and watch again ;). Lol. I didn't get to personally talk with them both for too long but the few minutes I did get to talk with them they were pretty cool. Tyler is adorable and just kind of makes me want to ruffle his hair a bit and have a tickle/wrestle match with him. . .hmmmmm. . . in our pj's of course you dirty people! ;P.
   Brandon was definitely sexy although I will admit I might be slightly infatuated with him. I can't honestly even remember what we talked about too much only because it was hard for me to concentrate on anything other than the fact that he has a southern accent and it just made me melt to the floor the moment he uttered a word. If you haven't guessed I have a thing for southern accents. I don't know why but they drive me wild and needless to say now but Brandon has one of the accents. Just the fact that they both had some things going very well for them and then seeing them on stage and dancing together didn't stop me from enjoying the show even though I was working.
   I hope they enjoyed their night down at Touch Providence and had fun. After all the fun though I went out to breakfast with some of the boys and shoved some food straight into my face because I was really hungry and wanted some food. I was just happy that I remembered that I needed to chew my food while I was eating. It definitely ended my night on a high note though.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Touch Providences Double Header! ! ! ! !

   Tomorrow will be Touch Providences Double Header starring Brandon Lewis and Tyler Andrews! It should be a fun night tomorrow. :). Can't wait to see how the night turns out. All I know is that after it's all said and done I'm going to be tired and hankering for some breakfast. Lol. It's a good thing that there's a diner that's still open two seconds down the street when the club closes for the night because I am definitely going to be dragging some of the boys there with me so I can eat.

   Besides that I've also been excited that it's been so warm outside for the last two days down here in Providence. The weather should start to go back down after today but it was a nice break from the cold. It shouldn't get too cold during the day until Tuesday. I can't wait until the low for the day only hits around 30 degrees and the high hit from 48 and up.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Hey! Happy Valentines Day . . . .

    Also referred to as Remember You're Single Day by some of my friends and I. Sorry I've been M.I.A for a while. I just haven't been in front of my computer long enough to do much. Not too much has happened between the last entry that I made and now. I did put together a last minute Valentines Eve party down at Touch Providence.
   It was definitely fun! I went out and got candy and decorations yesterday before work and I had all the dancers come in wearing Valentine colored or inspired stripper wear. We got everyone on a sugar rush by handing out chocolate, sweet tarts and jolly rancher lollipops all night. It was kind of hard not to eat all of the lollipops because they tasted amazing. I somehow managed to stave myself from eating more than one lollipop though so I'm very proud about that.

   I don't know how I always manage this but I seem to always be single on Valentines Day. It just seems to be fate working it's maniacal plan for me to not have a Valentine. To be honest though my friends always make me better and since I am single on Valentines Day I always get to have more then one Valentine so I guess there's the silver lining in that situation. It still is really early in the day so I still might end up with a crush being my Valentine today and then that would just make my day. I'm not a snob though so even if that happens you can still be my Valentine too.

   Alright, I guess this is it for now but I will definitely be trying to be updating more often now. Hopefully I get myself into some interesting "adventures" to write about and keep you guys entertained. I'm sure things will come up. Once again Happy Valentines / Remember You're Single Day, whichever one you choose to celebrate. ;P
