Friday, February 14, 2014

I seriously suck on keeping up a blog. . .

... lol. So yeah. It's been forever and a half since I've put anything up here and a lot has happened since last time but it is what it is. The last post was about 10 months ago and I was talking about me trying to take my doctors advice and do some real exercise. I even joined a gym and everything but, as things go, life happened and I caught up in this and that and stopped going to the gym and had to redirect my gym membership money towards other, more important avenues. I did stick with it for about 3 months before I had to put the gym on the wayside. I think I got a little more toned in my short stint of exercise frenzy. Lol.

   I've had my share of arguments, almost break-ups, holiday parties, strokes of good and bad luck, and a lot of uncertain and fun times these past 10 months. It would drive me crazy trying to recount all those moments I skimmed on there so I'm just gonna leave that like that for now. Right now though I will write about how awesome it would be to be in Florida at this moment cause it's freaking cold in Rhode Island. I miss the hot sun with a cool breeze that you can feel on your skin during the warm months since you're not bundled up like an eskimo anytime you have to leave the house. But spring isn't that far off and summer will be right around the corner once spring hits so all I have to do is bide my time till then. :)

   Then, afterwards, I can contemplate moving to Florida, lol. I have Caribbean blood coursing through my veins and it does not appreciate this cold one bit. Of course I've also had a multitude of friends and family move down to Florida these past few years with them all regaling me with stories of how warm it always is down there. I've had a few people invite me down to stay a week or so with them down there which I really would love to do but can't for the moment. This is because the all too familiar money issue start to come into play. . . .: / yeah.

   I make most of my money on the weekends and have about three or so days off every week but which wouldn't be a problem in the whole scheme of things regarding to jumping to Florida for a bit. The issue comes with the fact that it wouldn't be fair of me to just go and leave my sometimes awesome sometimes infuriating fiance in the cold, literally and figuratively speaking, to fend for himself. He works random times and days every week and it's money that we both really need so I very well can't have him skip a few days of work just to go enjoy the sand, sun and sea. Well I actually could but it wouldn't bode well for both of our bills. Although there might be an answer for this issue. . .:)

   It is tax season now and I did my taxes last week and should be (if nothing stops it, fingers crossed.) be getting my return in march. It seems like it's going to be a sizable amount, at least in my standards, so it might be possible to have a week off of work for both us and go jaunt around Florida for a bit. But then again I could also be putting that money towards some more constructive endeavors not to mention a few other slightly more selfish and way more inexpensive things too. Choices, choices, choices. . . 
   Well I guess I'll stop boring you with all of this but I will say it was nice to rant on about it for a bit. Till next time

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The weather is getting better. . . .

   ...and you know what that means. Short sleeve shirts, tank-tops, and shorts time! Which also means that summer is only a few short months away and there's not much time left to start working on those summer bodies that we all love to see and yearn to have if we're not the lucky few already blessed with them. I, for one, have a fast metabolism so I'm always slim for anytime of year but I always feel like a stick when I take my shirt off. So this year (last Tuesday to be precise) I joined a gym again.
   Now I didn't join the gym solely for the aesthetics of a well built body but I won't say that I'm not going to be happy if I get that. For the last few weeks I've been having a few unnerving aches and pains around my body and I didn't want to have something happen to me where I couldn't go out and enjoy the warm weather like I've been planning to do. So I took the advice of all the doctors I've seen for the past 12 years and started to do some real exercise to get and keep everything running smoothly. Of course I'm starting off easy which kind of gets me a bit antsy because all I really want to do is work on building my body up but right now I have to concentrate on getting my body at a good and normal place before I start putting some stress on it. But believe me when I say that once I'm in tip-top work out shape, the real work out will begin. . . .I hope.

   I have to admit I've never been one to push myself too hard when working out but I have a little bit more motivation than normal this time around and I've been eating healthier while taking vitamins so I think my body's going to just want to push itself now that it has a better source of energy to work with. Hopefully in a few months from now I'll have some really good news to talk about when comes to my health and muscle mass.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

So I just finished a marathon. . . .

Not one of the one's you actually have to run in of course. I'm just bit too lazy or busy (I prefer to use the latter) for craziness of that stature. At least while it's still cold outside. The marathon I'm speaking of is of a T.V. show variety. I've become obsessed with this show called Awkward which I stumbled upon while browsing the selections on Netflix.

   It is a very funny and entertaining show which in my opinon was done correctly. I'm not a sage when it comes to descriptions on shows but I'll tell you a little about it. It's about this girl who starts her sophmore year in high school with a rumor circling about how she tried to commit suicide but in actuallity she just happend to slip in the bathroom, scattering various things around while she went down, making the whole scene look like a suicide attempt to her family and very awkward for her. She goes through alot as the year goes on and keeps track of it all on her blog but you're just going to have to watch the show to figure out what exactly all of that is.

   I will say thought that watching this show has made me miss keeping up to date with my journals and writing in blog. I have made a quick and maybe not totally a promise kind of promise to try to write about life in general on here at least once a day with this being my first entry back. Anyways, it's 1:38 am over here right now and I'm starting to fade so I think I'm going to pass out for a bit.
   ~Good Night~

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday morning. . . least it is for me. It's 10:24am and I'm awake because we are expecting a plumber to come by to look at a leak in the living room ceiling which is directly underneath the upstairs bathroom. Dean went out to do a few things and Billy is at work right now which leaves me and one of my friends who slept over last night in the house with the plumber who is here now. Will is still asleep and there's hardly any traffic outside which makes the house really quiet. I feels kind of nice to have a quiet and relaxed house this early in the afternoon (my morning). It's a calming and peaceful feeling that I haven't felt in a good 7 or some years.

Outside is warm with a slight cool air hover around and it's also greyish which is the perfect kind of weather I like. Probably because I'm a bit weird but I've always loved it when it looks cloudy and grey or foggy or even when there's a storm with rain and lightning. Especially when there's lightning. Right now though it's definitely the extreme calm before the storm feelling going on and I'm am just soaking it up while I can because soon Will is going to wake up and Dean will get back home and there will be things to do. Well, I guess I should end this here and get my coffee that I made since it's quite literally chilling in the kitchen so I might have to nuke it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I am awake. . .

   It's 10:51pm when I'm begining this post. Dean's asleep on the bed just snoring away and I'm up thinking about how I've been kind of bad by not making some time to call or text my sister who just found me and my father again after a few years of not knowing how to contact us. I really need to call or even text her and see how she's doing. Last time I talked to her were a couple weeks ago. She told me she has a few month old baby and doing good which I"m glad to hear about. My father also told me that she's been in contact with my oldest brother and knows where he is which is good because I haven't heard from or about him for a few years now. I really should get my stuff together and try and connect with the both of them.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I've been busy running around . . .

   Kind of at least. Just trying to get life settled down but it never seems to. Right now everything is good and I don't have many complaints except for the fact that I'm tired a lot and getting a bit lazy because of it. I've been trying to go against it of course by dragging myself out of the house and walking around providence every now and then for an hour or so. What mightg really help out a lot is if I join a gym again and start working out.
   I might gain some extra energy and those lovely little endorphines will start flooding in and make the world just that much brighter for me, lol. I'm excited though since halloween isn't that far off right now. That, being my favorite holiday and all, always brings a smile to my face. All the horror themed movies and ghost and monster shows that go on durring the month of october just resounds a note of pleasure within my brain that I don't really understand but do thoroghly enjoy. I'll be carving my first pumpkin this year ( yes I've never carved a pumpkin) with Dean and I'll also be decorating the house up for the entire month of octerbor for halloween.

   Just thinking about that is kicking me out of whatever funk I woke up with today. I'll try to take pictures and post them up once the carving of the pumpkins and the decorating of the house are all done.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ugh ! ! ! . . .

   I have been sick for the last few days and it hasn't been the least bit fun. Luckily I had an extra day off from work which allowed me to rest sooner than normal. I just fund it funny that usually something happens when I get sick that lets me rest more or I have a long weekend which gives me enough time to get sick and feel better before going back to work. I guess I'm just lucky. So besides being sick there are some other things that I would like to tell you all about.
    I moved to a new apartment at the end of July/ begining of August. It's bigger and in a nicer area of the city plus now we have a room devoted just to being an office as well as an outside porch. We're on the second floor of a two story house with the attic being a third apartment with people living in it. It's a good size apartment and I love it here now. I still have the same room mate living with me but I also have my boyfriend here too. This leads me to my other announcement. I just so happened to have proposed to him not too long ago and he was crazy enough to say yes which means I should call him my fiance now instead of my boyfriend. The wedding is set for halloween of 2013.
   I'm so excited about it. Now it's not going to be some crazy halloween, costumed wedding with demons and ghosts and zombies. No, no, no, this will be more put together than that. The theme of the wedding will be a Victorian-Gothic Masquerade. It's going to be amazing! Dark colors of any color with black accents in a victorian gothic fashion is just going to go well with it being on Halloween. Just thinking about it makes me excited but there's a lot of details I have to iron out first. I got myself all excited now.
   Anyways, I have to get back to being a productive person and finish up the laundry.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Not quite sure where I am but. . .

I'm relaxing a bit. Dean took me to a park with a little beach on it and is now laying face down in the sand. I figure I might as well relax also so I'm sitting on a toppled over, dead tree in the shade just listening to the waves and being calm. It's a nice day out when you're in the shade a cool breeze is hitting you. Sorry, just had a little moment there. Anyways, I am going to be seeing Ted at the movie theater later.
I heard it was funny.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Video Blog Update. . .

Hey everybody. It's has been a long time, yet again, without much going on over here on my blog but here's a quick update via video about a bit that's going on.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

So I saw a movie. . . .

   Just went to see . . .

   . . .and it wasn't the greatest. I went to see it with my friend Jeff tonight and I was all excited for it but it fell short of what it could've been. I don't want to spoil it for anyone but I didn't like the way they played out the story and the ending for me was a bit anti-climatic. There were so many ways they could have gone with the story even with still sticking to the plot of the movie but it was done poorly and was a bit to obvious to the point where Jeff figured out half of the plot and I figured out the other half near the begining of the movie. I'm not saying that you might not like it also but it just isn't my type of movie on top of the fact that it wasn't done in a way that kept me wondering and guessing which, for me, is part of the fun of wacthing a movie.
   The next movie I plan on seeing is The Hunger Games which looks good in the trailers so I guess I'll find out just how well it'll compare to the actual movie.