Friday, February 14, 2014

I seriously suck on keeping up a blog. . .

... lol. So yeah. It's been forever and a half since I've put anything up here and a lot has happened since last time but it is what it is. The last post was about 10 months ago and I was talking about me trying to take my doctors advice and do some real exercise. I even joined a gym and everything but, as things go, life happened and I caught up in this and that and stopped going to the gym and had to redirect my gym membership money towards other, more important avenues. I did stick with it for about 3 months before I had to put the gym on the wayside. I think I got a little more toned in my short stint of exercise frenzy. Lol.

   I've had my share of arguments, almost break-ups, holiday parties, strokes of good and bad luck, and a lot of uncertain and fun times these past 10 months. It would drive me crazy trying to recount all those moments I skimmed on there so I'm just gonna leave that like that for now. Right now though I will write about how awesome it would be to be in Florida at this moment cause it's freaking cold in Rhode Island. I miss the hot sun with a cool breeze that you can feel on your skin during the warm months since you're not bundled up like an eskimo anytime you have to leave the house. But spring isn't that far off and summer will be right around the corner once spring hits so all I have to do is bide my time till then. :)

   Then, afterwards, I can contemplate moving to Florida, lol. I have Caribbean blood coursing through my veins and it does not appreciate this cold one bit. Of course I've also had a multitude of friends and family move down to Florida these past few years with them all regaling me with stories of how warm it always is down there. I've had a few people invite me down to stay a week or so with them down there which I really would love to do but can't for the moment. This is because the all too familiar money issue start to come into play. . . .: / yeah.

   I make most of my money on the weekends and have about three or so days off every week but which wouldn't be a problem in the whole scheme of things regarding to jumping to Florida for a bit. The issue comes with the fact that it wouldn't be fair of me to just go and leave my sometimes awesome sometimes infuriating fiance in the cold, literally and figuratively speaking, to fend for himself. He works random times and days every week and it's money that we both really need so I very well can't have him skip a few days of work just to go enjoy the sand, sun and sea. Well I actually could but it wouldn't bode well for both of our bills. Although there might be an answer for this issue. . .:)

   It is tax season now and I did my taxes last week and should be (if nothing stops it, fingers crossed.) be getting my return in march. It seems like it's going to be a sizable amount, at least in my standards, so it might be possible to have a week off of work for both us and go jaunt around Florida for a bit. But then again I could also be putting that money towards some more constructive endeavors not to mention a few other slightly more selfish and way more inexpensive things too. Choices, choices, choices. . . 
   Well I guess I'll stop boring you with all of this but I will say it was nice to rant on about it for a bit. Till next time

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