Thursday, October 15, 2009

So a few things have happened. . .

   I finally got a boyfriend but we only stayed together for about 4 months. We broke up like 3 weeks ago. It majorly sucks cause I'm still all caught up on him but he isn't. Needless to say he broke up with me. We were too different I guess in the end. Now I'm trying to move on but it isn't easy.
   Besides that my uncle died two days ago which was hard for my father back in ny. I didn't know this particular uncle much but it hurt to hear my father so sad and not being in the same geographical area. My brother is being an extreme douche bag in the fact that he does'nt live far from my father at all and has a car but never called or went to see how our father is doing even tho I've called him and left a message explaining what happened as well as sending him a text. Ugh, how I could possibly be related to him is beyond me.
   Job wise though It's been pretty much blah. The place I work at ( which is called 2Xcess) moved from allens ave to union st downtown sharing the building with energy. Now within the next 2 weeks we'll be moving back to allens ave. I feel like we're playing ping pong here. It's whatever tho as long as everything works out.
   Lol. Sorry for making this post sound so sad or angry I just have all these emotions flying about and I finally wrote some of it down in one sitting. I'll try to bring some good news next time. ;)

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