Friday, March 2, 2012

Love, Jobs & The Gym. . .

   Hey everybody. I've been running around life for a bit so I haven't had the chance to stop and let you guys in on what's going on so I'm sorry about that. Here's the latest info though. I have been dating a guy for about 3 months now and he's awesome. We get along very good and apparently just skipped over the lovey-dovey honeymoon phase and straight into the normal relationship portion of our, well, relationship, lol.
   That's a really good thing cause neither of us are lieing to ourselves or each other about how perfect the other is. Instead when something bugs one of us we say it outright and argue here and there about things which makes it more real and less lovestruck and blind craziness. He's good to me and makes me laugh which is what I want. Somebody who knows how to relax and enjoy themselves. I'm very happy about meeting him and he came when I needed him too because. . .
   About three weeks ago I had decided I was overworking myself between working at the Megaplex and scrounging around for what little money I could at Hush so I decided to stop working at Hush which I thought went ok except for the new partner of the club who literally told me that if I leave he would not let me come back even if I wanted to. Now that seems like a threat to me which is definitely not what you want to do to me if you want to keep me around. He also said a few other things like "This is bussiness and I'm not here to make friends and if I wanted one I would buy a dog" and "I'm straight, not gay so I'm not going to be nice to you or give you favoritism" and "I can get dancers to replace you at anytime." This might be my ego talking a bit but I worked there without them paying me and they, on top of that, wanted me to start paying $80 a week to work 3 days in a club that's slow almost every single night it's open and I worked as best as I could and I was the best dancer at that club so they'll have to do a lot to replace me. Ok enough of my ego trip, back to the rest of the story.

   I wound up saying that I hope he's happy when finally gets a dog then and that I definitely still quit. All's good with me after that for about two weeks and then this last sunday I get a text message from my boss at the Megaplex, who is also the original owner of the strip club and now a partner of Hush, saying that he finished a meeting with the owners of the Megaplex and that it's doing bad and they said that he had to lay somebody off to save money and that I was the one that he needed to lay off. . .rigghhttt. So I asked to talk to him, left a voicemail telling him how I felt and who else was laid off seeing as they just hired two new people so laying one person off does absolutely nothing in the way of saving money. Three guesses as to what happened. If you guessed that I couldn't get to talk to him and he never tried to call and talk to me then you are right!
   Whatever the case may be with that situation I am ok for right now and training in being a barback to be a bartender in the near future. So you will be able to see me Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays  at the Dark Lady. Hope to see all of you there. ;)
   P.S. I joined the gym not to long ago so I should be ripped in a bit. lol

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