Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Working and working some more but happy Thanksgiving. . .

   Hey everyone. I've been busy lately just working a lot so I'm sorry I haven't done much on here. Thanksgiving is coming up in two days and I have my food ready for it. It's nothing fancy or big since I have to work on Thanksgiving and won't be home until after 1am. Everything I got had that in mind so I got food to put in the slow cooker and a few things I can steam in the microwave because I know I definitely won't want to be cooking or fixxing things after I'm done with work. I'll try to remember to take pictures of the food once it's done and post it up. Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoy yours.

Here's a little video since Jeff and I haven't been able to get together and record our weekly "Jeff and Miguel Show".

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The 3rd episode of the Jeff and Miguel Show. . .

Sorry for it being so long but when we talk things just kind of roll out and on. lol. I hope you guys enjoy it and don't worry, we'll get better ;).

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More or less just waking up. . .

It is 12:19 in the afternoon when I started writing this and I'm in bed getting ready to get up and start my day more or less. I'm just playing on my computer, killing time and procrastinating getting up alhough I'm starting to get hungry so I will be getting up soon to get some food. Not much has happened in the last few weeks. Just trying (keyword being trying) to save up money and get my life situated and together. Slowely but surely things are getting put into place but I'm starting to lose motivation which sucks.
   I need to mail a few things out again but I have to find some paperwork. I'll save that for wednesday since I have no work to do on wednesday. It'll give me time to do stuff without feeling rushed. Thanksgiving is coming up and I'll be working like always but I'm not sure what else, if anything, I'll be doing that day. I just might be too tired to bother with doing anything special.
   I might just start up the crockpot and have it going until I get back from work so I have something
special and different to eat. I guess we'll see how it plays out. Ugh, my stomach growling so I guess I should go get some food to shovel into my face now.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Jeff & Miguel Show Ep2

   Hey everyone. Just got done editing the latest Jeff & Miguel Show video and I had to divide them up into 3 different parts. We got carried away talking about stuff and lost track of time. Don't worry though. I'll be uploading all of them and all together its 18 mins long. Hope you guys enjoy!
Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A bit late but only by 12 or so hours. . .

I really didn't do much after this. Just stayed at home surfing the internet for a bit and fell asleep. Yes I know it sounds like a very exciting halloween but I had all my fun on the two days prior so I didn't mind. I needed the time to relax.