Friday, October 23, 2009

Multimedia message

Hey, it's miguel here. I'm downtown hanging out with my friend michael. He was filling up an application for a job. I'm so proud, he's growing up.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hanging out with two dancers from florida. . .

Yesterday I spent the entire day and night with two dancers from florida (Max and Darwin) who I worked with for one day when I was down in florida. They came up with a mutual friend who wanted to give them a tour of RI which included going to the mansions in newport. It was awesome. Afterwards we went out to eat sushi and then they had to get ready to go to Club 727 cause they were going to dance there just for last night. I went with them since I don't work on wednesday and hung out until the end of the night. They were alot of fun. I said my see you later's and went home afterwards. It was good to see them again and hang out. They said that they'll try to come back some time soon and I told them I'll try to make it down to florida some time soon so I guess we'll just have to wait and see who goes where first. lol.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Soooo I had a fun weekend . . .

   It's been a crazy weekend and I loved every moment of it. I'm not going to use any names or specifics but I'm just going to say that it was very explorative.I made a new friend, kinda had an orgy going on in my house except I stuck with one friend and he stuck with me and two other guys were doing stuff together and the 5th one just kind of laid back and watched. After that me and the friend been flirting alot since then (mostly on my part of course) but it was fun.
  Although now he doesn't know how he feels about me now (cause we were just friends before) and I'm really starting to like a bit more so we're in a wierd place right now.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lol. A video my roomate made. . .

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Three guesses as to which one I am.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I had so much fun tonight at work. Despite it being slow and all. My friend jerry kept me laughing and one of the guys I work with kept it going when jerry left

So a few things have happened. . .

   I finally got a boyfriend but we only stayed together for about 4 months. We broke up like 3 weeks ago. It majorly sucks cause I'm still all caught up on him but he isn't. Needless to say he broke up with me. We were too different I guess in the end. Now I'm trying to move on but it isn't easy.
   Besides that my uncle died two days ago which was hard for my father back in ny. I didn't know this particular uncle much but it hurt to hear my father so sad and not being in the same geographical area. My brother is being an extreme douche bag in the fact that he does'nt live far from my father at all and has a car but never called or went to see how our father is doing even tho I've called him and left a message explaining what happened as well as sending him a text. Ugh, how I could possibly be related to him is beyond me.
   Job wise though It's been pretty much blah. The place I work at ( which is called 2Xcess) moved from allens ave to union st downtown sharing the building with energy. Now within the next 2 weeks we'll be moving back to allens ave. I feel like we're playing ping pong here. It's whatever tho as long as everything works out.
   Lol. Sorry for making this post sound so sad or angry I just have all these emotions flying about and I finally wrote some of it down in one sitting. I'll try to bring some good news next time. ;)