Sunday, December 20, 2009

Update of What I'm Doing While Snowed In. . .

   At this very moment in time (that being 4:49 pm) I am in my room eating some chicken with a very tastey cream sauce, cheese cubes, grapes, and some chips with spinach and artichoke dip. It's all leftovers from the christmas party we had at my club. It was just a shame to see all that food get thrown away so I volunteered to take some home and eat it. I couldn't bring it all home with me so some of it did wind up in the trash but I did get a good amount. I've been eating it since, which by the way was last friday if you were wondering.
   Well that's about it. A friend of mine wanted to go out drinking tonight and invited me along but I'm not sure he's still going cause of all the snow. I guess I'm going to have to call and find out.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hmmmm blizzard. . .

   Hey everyone. Long time no blog. Here's a quick update as to how my life is going right now. I had a boyfriend for a few months but then he broke up with me leaving me all broken hearted and stuff and I'm still kind of reeling from it even tho its been a few months since. I'm single right now and I am not enjoying it much.
   I have been talking to someone lately but I'm not exactly sure how thats going at the moment but it doesn't look promising on my end. The club I work for has moved back to it's original building, 257 allens ave, which I love cause it's better there. It's called Touch Providence now and has an awesome new logo. We're going to have a big name porn star, Brent Corrigan, come for new years which should be fun. Hopefully I see alot of faces that I know show up for our New Years party.
   I have plans to go to San Francisco in January which I am so excited for. I've never been off of the east coast so to fly all the way to California will be awesome. My friend is taking me with him cause he has all these points for flying so he's going to use some for me. He said he's going to be my tour guide while we're there. We're going to stay there for about 4-5 days.
   Last but not least there's talk about a nice little snow storm that's supposed to be starting some time within the next few hours. When I say a nice little snow storm I do mean of course a blizzard. Should be fun. I kind of want to stay inside tonight and just be lazy. Blizzard or not I just might do that.
