Friday, March 9, 2012

Life is just life. . .

   I've been getting through these last few days as best as I can without freaking anybody out and staying calm because I have a few people who are relying on me to be on top of things and keep things going normally but I'm not sure how well I'll be able to do that. I need to pay my phone bill and utilities in literally the next few days and without an actual easy to plan with job I'm not sure how this month will go let along the next few weeks. I am making some money right now which keeps me from completely losing my mind right now but I have to see how good it works with my bills and stuff. I'm just nervous since a lot of things changed so drastically and quickly that I don't feel like I have my feet planted firmly on the floor. There are a few other things which, unfortunately, I can't put on here that need to be addressed by me soon and when it happens it will be a very bad and dramatic affair with arguing and screaming I'm sure.

    I just have to make sure to approach the situation as calm and non-aggresive as possible but I'm sure everyone will be happier after all is said and done. I just have to get everyone to understand the position I'm in and, therefore, they are in and find a way to make things work. I personally just have to crack a whip on myself and save as much money as possible. At least until I get a day job to get me going how I want to be going again. It'll be frustating and difficult for the first few weeks/months but I'll make it through alright in the end. . .I hope. lol.