Wednesday, July 20, 2011

OK, I need to go have fun. . .

Drawn by Rocketman.
Gallery link is

   That's exactly what I'm going to be doing on friday. Me and my roomie, Bobby, are going to be going to the beach to relax, get a tan and jump in cold water! I'm not too excited about the cold water part but hey the high's going to be 95 so I might enjoy it. We're going to be picking up another friend on our way down to the beach so that'll make a total of 3 for sure. I invited a few other people and they may or may not show up.

   It would be awesome if they make it though. I like going to the beach with a lot of people because it makes it interesting and a whole lot of fun. I'm excited about this because I've wanted to go all summer long and haven't yet but now I'm going to be there soon. I kind of don't want to wait though. I guess it can't be helped.

      Hey, maybe if we're lucky we can find a few guys to flirt with for a bit. It never hurts to make new friends. ;)


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