Saturday, February 18, 2012

Disappearing car door. . .what?!? Kinda awesome!. . .

   So I ran into this video a little bit ago and I think it's awesome. Of course there are few down sides I'm sure everyone can think of with haveing doors like these but I don't know all the details about it and I'm sure if they keep working on making the doors work for almost every situation that people will be saving all their money to get cars with doors like these. Here's the video. . .

  I'll let you come to your own conclusions about it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hey everyone. . .

   I'm sorry I took such a long hiatus from this blog but I've been working a whole lot and moving on top of that but I am happy to report that I am all moved in now into my new place and happier for it. It was so stressfull trying to get everything all moved in and done with especially with my schedule. I did get everything done though and the electric and gas are both on and in my name and the last thing that I am waiting for is my cable and internet being hooked up and started which won't be until tuesday. It makes it kind of hard to post anything up here when I don't have any interenet at home. I feel like a kid waiting for christmas now though.

   Tuesday can not come any sooner for me at this point. That aside though I love the new place. It's spacious and comfortable with a lot of natural light that comes in and feels comfortable and cozy in general. Once I get a chance I'll put a little video tour of the place together post it up. . ..maybe. lol.

   Besides that though life is going good. I started dating someone just over two months ago and I feel happy with him, even if he can be a bit to deal with sometimes. Although I'm not always easy to deal with either, lol. I'm strong and mature enough to handle both the ups and downs though. Every relationship will have it's shares of problems and road bumps to get through and it just depends on if your dedicated enough to stick through it.

   It happens every time two different people with differing personalties decide to spend a good amount of time with each other. Just a simple fact of life.